Lori Key

Individualized | Compassionate | Collaborative

What is the evaluation process?

Step 1: Contact Form - The parent/guardian or adult clients completes the contact form

Step 2: Initial Meeting - Parent/guardian or adult client and Ms. Key meet for an initial meeting. at her office in Austin, Texas. This is such an important meeting, as getting to know and learn all about your child (or yourself, in the case of an adult client) is essential. She will also explain the entire evaluation process.

Step 3: Forms - Parents/guardians/teachers or adult client complete the forms (links will be emailed). To ensure the most effective evaluation process, these completed forms MUST be scanned and emailed to [email protected] at least two days before the evaluation. 

Step 4: Educational Evaluation - The evaluation is conducted at Ms. Key's office. The testing process usually takes multiple sessions (3-6 hours each session). Payment (in full) is due on the first day of the evaluation.

Important note: If the child or adult client is currently taking medication for emotional and/or behavioral concerns, the s/he/they need to take the medication as usual on the day of the evaluation so that the emotional and/or behavioral condition can be separated from any learning concern.

Step 5: Recommendation and Feedback Meetings - Approximately three weeks after the evaluation, Ms. Key will schedule a meeting to discuss results and recommendations. At this meeting, parents/guardians or adult client will receive a comprehensive written report .* If appropriate, a diagnosis is made based on the testing documentation and discussed. If the client is a child, there are often two meetings: one for the parents/guardians and then a separate (and much shorter!) meeting specifically designed for the child. With parental consent, Ms. Key is also happy to meet with teachers, administrators, and others who support the child’s learning.

Step 6: Report - With written consent, Ms. Key emails the signed, written report to individuals the parent/guardians or adult client has identified.

Confidentiality and Privacy Policy: The relationship between a client and an educational diagnostician is a protected one. All information (including the written report) cannot be disclosed without written consent from the parent /guardian or adult client.

Note: *Written reports are released only after the invoice has been settled in full.